






日常的な作業が自動化されるにつれ、この効果はより強力になると予想しています。おそらく 10年後には、グラスに水を入れたり、ジャケットを掛けたり、手の込んだ料理を皿に盛り付けたりできるロボットが登場するでしょう。しかし、目新しさが薄れれば、高級レストランは、それほど高級ではないライバル店との差別化を図るために、引き続き人間の労働力を多用するようになると思います。

企業の世界でも同様の現象が見られます。企業が重要な顧客に営業担当者を割り当てる理由の 1つは、顧客との関係を重視していることを示すためです。より重要な顧客は営業担当副社長に連絡でき、最も重要な顧客は CEO に直接連絡できます。

AI システムが今日の営業担当者が行うすべての業務をこなせるようになったとしても、営業担当者の仕事がなくなるわけではありません。むしろ、企業が競合他社との差別化を図る手段として、人間の営業担当者を雇うことがさらに価値あるものになるでしょう。

2012 story in the Wall Street Journal said that “Starbucks baristas are being told to stop making multiple drinks at the same time” after “customer complaints that the Seattle-based coffee chain has reduced the fine art of coffee making to a mechanized process with all the romance of an assembly line.”

Customers weren’t complaining about the quality of the coffee. Rather, having another human being give their coffee undivided attention for a minute or two gave their visit to Starbucks a sense of luxury.

Luxury products are defined by their scarcity. One thing that’s reliably scarce—and gets more scarce as society gets richer—is the time and attention of other people.

So it’s not a coincidence that the fanciest restaurants tend to be the most labor-intensive. In the front of the house are people to hang up jackets, refill water glasses, and sweep crumbs off the table. In the back, people carefully arrange every dish so that it looks like a work of art.

I expect this effect to get more powerful as more routine tasks get automated. Maybe in a decade we’ll have robots that can fill water glasses, hang up jackets, and arrange elaborate dishes on plates. But once the novelty wears off, I expect high-end restaurants to continue making heavy use of human labor to distinguish themselves from less exclusive rivals.

You see the same phenomenon in the corporate world. One reason companies assign salespeople to important customers is to signal that they value the relationship. More important customers get access to the vice president for sales, and the most important customers get direct access to the CEO.

Even if AI systems become capable of performing all the tasks of today’s salespeople, that does not imply that the job of salesperson will become obsolete. If anything, hiring human salespeople will become even more valuable as a way for a company to distinguish itself from competitors.

Understanding AI | Seven big advantages human workers have over AI


